Wednesday, December 29, 2010

June 18th. Montrose,CO to Gunnisson, CO.

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June 18th. Montrose to Gunnison, CO. Elevation: 7,681 ft. 63.3 miles. The scenery was majestic. Our 50 members rode withe 2500 other cyclist (Ride the Rockies Group) the same route. Ride the Rockies Group know how to party; they had food stands, water, smoothies, photographers, TV media coverage and " KAIBOS! Today's ride included two huge climbs: 1st. Cerro Summit which 7 miles with a grade of 7 or 8% and a very strong headwind ( I could only go 4 or 5 miles/hr. 2nd. Climb was 8 miles ( a constant gradual climb, we reach 8,000 ft. of elevation. Stopped at Gunnison Lake Resort where and bought myself a delicious smoothie. I got caught up with Don and his nephew (Scott). At the Day's Inn in Gunnison, Maria, the maid from Nayarit,Mexico was eating her lunch very deliciously and shared 2 corn tortillas with some Picadillo. (2625) The beginning of 1st. climb from Montrose to Gunnison, (2626) Cerro Summit, (2627) Cerro Summit descent, (2628)Movie of the 1st. SAG stop, (2629) Close to 1000 cyclist resting at 1st. SAG stop, (2630) 2nd. climb- a photo of a rock ridge formation, (2632) A view from above looking down, (2633) 2nd. SAG station on top of summit, (2634) Richard (Ireland); Shuresh (Trindad/Tobago); myself at 2nd. SAG station, (2635) myself at 2nd rest station, (2636&2637) a beautiful canyon on way to Gunnison, (2638) Gunnison Lake Resort.

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